The undersigned Alejandro Perdigon Ambelin, the company Colombia Rents Inmobiliaria SAS, adult domiciled in Cartagena de Indias DCT, identified with citizenship card c.c 79888704 of Bogotá - Colombia, who henceforth and for purposes of this contract is referred to as the (LESSOR) on the one hand, and the other AHRENS KJELL NICLAS, of legal age, identifying pasaporte C4YLJKC41 of GERMANY who henceforth and for purposes of this contract (LESSEE), be known, we have entered into a lease of commercial type, to be governed by the following clauses:
The object of this contract is as follows: (THE LESSOR) Colombia Rents Inmobiliaria SAS leases the real estate that is detailed below: room house (Apartment-house) CASA DE PLAYA 048 - 048 in the page, located in tierrabomba in Cartagena.
(LESSER) Colombia Rents Inmobiliaria SAS lease to (LESSEE) AHRENS KJELL NICLAS and the latter declares to have received the following properties to full satisfaction and title: CASA DE PLAYA 048
The (LESSER) Colombia Rents Inmobiliaria SAS agrees to give the tenant a lease for a term of 2 nights , from 03-03-2022 to 05-03-2022.
PARAGRAPH: The lease will last for days from 03-03-2022 . Notwithstanding the foregoing, the term of the lease shall be automatically extended for consecutive periods equal to the initial, when the lessee informs the other Party of its decision to extend this Agreement and the availability of the property exists for that purpose.
PARAGRAPH 2: The term of this contract is non-extendable unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties.
The (LESSER) AHRENS KJELL NICLAS agrees to pay the (LESSEE) Colombia Rents Inmobiliaria SAS the sum of $ 17.000.000 for Lease for the period described above for a daily value of $8.500.000
The property will be displayed and delivered to the (LESSER) AHRENS KJELL NICLAS entry by verifying the initial status of this, which the (LESSER) AHRENS KJELL NICLAS must return in the same terms. The (LESSER) AHRENS KJELL NICLAS must leave a refundable security deposit for the value of $500 USD that is returned at the time of checkout. After the verification of the perfect condition of the property. Likewise, it undertakes to pay any damage caused to the property if the value of said damage exceeds the value of the security deposit.
PARAGRAPH: The (LESSEE) AHRENS KJELL NICLAS agrees to pay any damages caused to walls, furniture, utensils or any other good etc .... Which will be quantified in their real value, and before their exit from real estate is authorized. The property will be delivered with an inventory on the day of delivery of the property supervised by both parties.
The LESSEE AHRENS KJELL NICLAS will COMMIT to pay (LESSEE) Colombia Rents Inmobiliaria SAS the previous amount in the following form:
A) The sum of $8.500.000 by RESERVATION . This contract charges VALIDITY with an attached copy of payment support by one of the means authorized by Colombia Rents . This support must be verified and confirmed as received by the (LESSOR) Colombia Rents Inmobiliaria SAS . Bank charges, bank charges or transaction operating costs will be borne by the LESSEE .
The balance $8.500.000 must be paid as follows:
Payment must be made 8 business days in advance.
For delivery of the property CASA DE PLAYA 048 must be canceled 100% of the lease value.
OUTPUT TIME: 12:00 p.m
The (LESSER) AHRENS KJELL NICLAS is committed to allocate the leased property solely and exclusively or for lodging of the and additional occupants for tourism and vacation purposes.
Any modification of this contract. It must be recorded in writing signed by the parties, since it is expressly the intention of the same parties not to recognize validity to modifications that do not appear in this form.
For the purpose of collecting the monetary obligations set forth in this contract, referring to lease fees and penal clauses, this contract provides executive merit and is assimilated in its effects to a bill of exchange, with the protest and presentation being excused. payment.
In this case, the completed contractor must request the contractor in writing, in writing, to cancel the amounts due.
This agreement is valid for the benefit of (LESSEE) and (LESSOR) which may use LEGAL of same to fulfill the obligations of each party.
1. From the tenant:
The (LESSEE) is obliged to respect schedules and rules of the place where the property is located, and to keep the property and belongings of the property. In the event of material damage to household goods, the value of the same will be deducted from the deposit given as guarantee immediately before leaving the group.
In case of violating norms or laws the (LESSEE) will assume the sole responsibility on complaint or fine to pay in any case.
Do not exceed the maximum capacity of the house.
Deliver the property in perfect condition to the date of termination of the contract (in the same conditions in which it was received).
Give the property a lawful use and verify that the sub-tenants give equal use to the property.
Assume damage to the property during the term of the contract.
Damage caused to the Property by the LESSEE , or the sub-tenants, by their responsibility or their dependents, will be repaired and covered their repair costs in full by the Lessee.
Likewise, the (LESSEE) is obliged to comply with the obligations set forth in articles 2029 and 2030 of the Civil Code.
The (LESSEE) will refrain from making improvements of any kind to the Property without the prior written permission of the Lessor. The improvements to the Property will be the owner of the Property and there will be no place to recognize the price, cost or compensation to the Lessee for the improvements made. The improvements can not be removed unless the Landlord requires it in writing, to which the Lessee will immediately access his coast, leaving the Property in the same good condition as received from the Landlord, except for the natural deterioration due to the legitimate use.
The (LESSEE) will refrain from storing or allowing flammable, toxic, unhealthy, explosive or harmful elements inside the Property to be stored for the conservation, hygiene, safety and aesthetics of the building and in general its occupants Permanent or transient.
Paragraph: The (THE LESSOR) Colombia Rents Inmobiliaria SAS declares expressly and strictly prohibited the destination of the property for the purposes contemplated in paragraph b) of paragraph of Article 34 of the Law 30 of 1986 and consequently the Tenant is obliged not to use the Property for the hiding of people, deposit of arms or explosives and money of the terrorist groups. It will not allocate the property for the manufacture, storage or sale of hallucinogenic substances such as marijuana, hashish, cocaine and the like. The Lessee empowers the Landlord to visit, directly or through his officials duly authorized in writing, to verify the fulfillment of the tenant's obligations.
2. Landlord:
The (THE LESSOR) Colombia Rents Inmobiliaria SAS is obliged to allow the (LESSEE) AHRENS KJELL NICLAS to lease the property to third parties, and to respect the contracts that the same holds for Such an end.<
The (THE LESSOR) Colombia Rents Inmobiliaria SAS undertakes to respect the terms of this contract under penalty of payment of compensation for breach of contract and / or penalty for breach.
Deliver the property in perfect condition to the date of start of the contract.
Refrain from executing acts of unfair competition.
Refrain from visiting the property while it is leased by the (LESSEE) AHRENS KJELL NICLAS , provided that there is no legal fair for it.
1.In case of non-compliance by the (LESSOR) Colombia Rents Inmobiliaria SAS will return 100% of the value of the reservation or is obliged to deliver a property of the same conditions, characteristics and capacity.
2.In case of breach by the (LESSEE) AHRENS KJELL NICLAS
. The lessor will retain the value of the reservation for damages and may lease the property again on the stipulated dates.
Paragraph: The causes of termination of the Contract unilaterally by the (Lessor) those provided for in Article 16 of Law 56 of 1985; And on the part of the Lessee those enshrined in Article 17 of the same Law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Parties at any time and by mutual agreement may terminate this Agreement.
The maximum capacity of the property is 16 people for accommodation or accommodation. Visits to the property are allowed during the validity of this contract. Visits can not be hosted on the property.
It is strictly prohibited the destination of the property for trafficking in persons, especially it is prohibited to host minors in the property that have no ties of kinship with the lessee or sub-tenants.
The (LESSEE) AHRENS KJELL NICLAS will make use of the contracted facilities on the requested dates, observing the recommendations of the property and the control authorities, in relation to the decibels of allowed sounds. 55 DECIBLES PERMITTED BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENT (EPA).
Paragraph: Failure to comply with the provisions of this clause may cause immediate cessation of the sound or music that is being produced by the competent authorities; the (LESSEE) Colombia Rents Inmobiliaria SAS will watch over the compliance of this measure and may have ceased the production of music that exceeds the allowed limits. And in case of presenting fines, these will be assumed by the (LESSEE) AHRENS KJELL NICLAS. Or cancel the contract if the (LESSEE) AHRENS KJELL NICLAS desists to comply with the measure.
a) The reservation is confirmed once the (LESSEE) AHRENS KJELL NICLAS consign the value initially agreed to reserve, which will not be returned for any reason in case of cancellation or change the reservation. 50% is paid as an advance, which is why in case of cancellation the landlord will retain the money paid as advance.
b) The (LESSEE) AHRENS KJELL NICLAS is requested to send names and a copy of their identity document or passport of the persons to occupy the reserved property (s), it must be notified at least 7 days in advance.
The (THE LESSOR) Colombia Rents Inmobiliaria SAS is not responsible for partial or total breach of the contract, in the event that this could not be fulfilled due to: strikes, accidents, blockades, demonstrations, national emergencies, acts of nature, any cause of force Major or reasoning that is out of control. In the event that any of the aforementioned events occur, and the (LESSEE) AHRENS KJELL NICLAS can not use the property on the dates agreed. The (THE LESSOR) Colombia Rents Inmobiliaria SAS may schedule a date for the completion of your stay. The new date for the completion of the stay may not exceed six (6) months after the date previously canceled, the assignment of a new date for the completion of your stay will be subject to the availability of property. If the (LESSEE) AHRENS KJELL NICLAS does not use the new schedule of the stay in the aforementioned conditions, you can not request a refund of your money paid.
The (LESSEE) AHRENS KJELL NICLAS is committed to maintain a behavior consistent with good customs within the property and comply with Colombian laws in particular to what is established in law 679 of 2001 and law 599 of 2000 specifically in the article 376, taking into account that in Colombia the exploitation and abuse of minors and the trafficking, manufacture or carrying of narcotics are prohibited.
The (LESSEE) AHRENS KJELL NICLAS and his companions must have a behavior consistent with morality and good manners within the property and its surroundings, warns that the performance of sexual acts or exhibitionism in common areas that can be seen by neighbors or pedestrians and that generates inconvenience to the community and / or the neighborhood will carry according to the new police code (Law 1801 of 2016) a fine equivalent to Sixteen (16) minimum legal daily wages in force (smdlv) to the offenders. Additionally, any additional person who enters the property must leave a photocopy of their identity document at reception.
Paragraph. If a complaint or complaint from the community and / or a neighbor of the property about the execution of sexual acts or exhibitionism in the common areas of the property is submitted, the (LESSEE) Colombia Rents Inmobiliaria SAS will resolve the lodging contract of immediately, reserving the right to withhold the money given as an advance by the (LESSEE) AHRENS KJELL NICLAS.
If for any situation or inconvenience the client decides to withdraw from the property or will not get lost without refund the value of the reservation. If in the property there are services that must be complied with or minor repairs that must be made to the details of the property and the tenant desists or abandons the property without allowing the landlord to make the pertinent repairs, the money will not be returned for any reason saved. That said repairs have no solution.
It is within the Obligations of the landlord to perform all repairs for the correct use of the property, but if the LESSEE does not allow them to be done and leaves the property it will be taken as a withdrawal and can not make any claim on the value of the reservation since the landlord will take it partly for damages and / damages.
COLOMBIA RENTS Real Estate protect children and adolescents from commercial sexual exploitation LEY 1336 DEL 2009
PARAGRAPH: It is prohibited to scandals, riots, disturbances and other aggressive and / or disturbing acts that affect the order and tranquility of the neighbors.
For proof, this contract is signed in the City of Cartagena de Indias to the 11-07-2022
**Reservation for 16 guests. ** Extra Guest $ 400.000 x night
11-07-2022 (electronically signed)
c.c 79888704 de Bogotá
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